Featured Projects
Willamette Transit Bridge
Portland, OR
The Willamette River Transit Bridge is a 1,720 foot long bridge; reaching 180 feet tall, it will be the first bridge to span the Willamette River since 1973 in the Portland area, and the first of its kind in the United States.
38th Avenue Underpass
Denver, CO
A multi-use path that provided pedestrian and bicycle access to the future commuter rail line at 41st and Fox Streets. This project also added an extension onto the Platte river bike trail, connecting pedestrian travel at the 38th avenue underpass as well as provided refurbishment of the underpass railing, lighting and walls.
Salt Lake County Road Fleet Management Service Building
Midvale, UT
The new shop floor not only needs to stand up to the demands of working on vehicles and heavy equipment, but to also enhance the natural light filtered in from the new windows. The engineer, Maintenance Design Group (MDG) wanted to use a complete flooring system which included a quartz hardener, surface hardener and surface sealer. All three products used were manufactured by US SPEC.

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