Plum Creek Water Purification Plant

Castle Rock, Colorado 2020
PRODUCT(S) USED: MP Grout, Quickset, Ezkote Green, Maxcure Resin Clear

To deal with the growing population of Castle Rock, Colorado, more capacity was needed for treating water. This water purification facility is designed to deliver a maximum daily production of 3-4 million gallons per day (MGD) in the short-term. Production capacity will be expandable to 12 MGD in the future.  The Plum Creek facility now can purify multiple raw water sources to meet drinking water standards, including  renewable indirect-reuse water and direct-reuse water. 

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Plum Creek Water Purification Plant

MP Grout

High Flow, High Strength, Non-Shrink, Non-Corrosive Grout


Rapid Setting Repair Patch

Ezkote Green

Multi-Use, Non-Petroleum, Reactive Form Release

Maxcure Resin Clear

Water-Emulsion, Dissipating Resin Curing Compound