US 54 Canadian River Bridge

Logan, NM
PRODUCT(S) USED: NA Grout, NA-100, R3, Ezkote Green, GP Grout and 3-2-1

The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) replaced an existing steel deck truss bridge over the Canadian River south of Logan, NM.  The cast-in-place segmental structure type was selected to minimize impacts to the Canadian River and wetlands.  The new bridge was New Mexico’s first cast-in-place segmental bridge.

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US 54 Canadian River Bridge


High Flow, Bleed Resistant, Non-Aggregate, Non-Shrink PT Grout

NA Grout

High Flow, Non-Aggregate, Non-Shrink PT Grout


High Performance, Rapid Setting Repair Patch

GP Grout

High Strength, Non-Shrink, Non Corrosive Grout


Cementitious, Resurfacing Coating

Ezkote Green

Multi-Use, Non-Petroleum, Reactive Form Release